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  • 01 Month Personal Training

    45 mins 1:1 Coaching. VAT included. Transportation fee NOT included
    Valid for one month
    • Weight Loss
    • Fat Loss & Muscle Gain
    • Strength & Conditioning
    • General Health
  • 3months Stretching & Corrective Exercise

    Every month
    VAT included. Transportation fee NOT included. 10 sessions of 30 minutes
    Valid for 3 months
    • Foot & Lower Leg
    • Legs & Glutes
    • Shoulder- Neck Pain
    • Lower Back Pain
  • 3 Months Virtual Personal Training

    Every month
    45 mins 1:1 Coaching. VAT included. Require: Resistance Bands, Mini Bands, and Dumbbells 1-5kg
    Valid for 3 months
    • Strength & Conditioning
    • Weight Loss
    • Fat Loss & Muscle Gain
    • General Health


Active Clients


Years of Experience


Training Programs

 NCCA Accredited​

*Certified Personal Trainer


*Corrective Exercise Specialist

Client Stories

How To Start Training


1. Book Free Initial Consulting
with me +84918504055 through WhatsApp

Duration: 30 minutes

Video Call

Set Realistic Goals

Select Training Program

Select Training Time & Location

for 01 Free Initial Session.


2. Free Initial Free Session

Duration: 30 minutes

Train and Sweat.

Plan the your Training Program in detail.

Secure your training plan by make 01 month training program of your choice

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3. Start Training 

Train  -Rest- Sleep- Eat Well and Repeat

Get extra support through WhatsApp chat box,  Youtube, Facebook Page and Website 


Vitamins for Souls

Ms Yuan, 17

“She (Emma) teaches me very well, I really like all the lessons I learn with her. She teaches very meticulously and does not get bored. During the learning process, she always looks for activities to avoid making the lesson boring, so the lessons always have something very "signature". I love having lessons with her, and I hope that after this period, I can train with Ms. Emma again."

Claire Jonkheer, 10

"Mr Will (Claire's father): For me you (Emma) are really GREAT in "coaching". Claire look up to you as a person. You are a wonderful example. Not only for the exercise but you as a personality.

The way you communicate, listen, expression and care.


Ms Thy, 18

“I was very fortunate to be able to have Emma as a personal trainer. She is an enthusiastic and engaging PT, who never stopped motivating me throughout all sessions of working out. My favorite part is the professional stretching sessions afterwards, Emma clearly acknowledges all muscle groups and know which areas do the costumers need extra help in.”

Ms Nhi, 31

“Trước khi trị liệu, hai bắp đùi bị nhứt cơ do đứng nhiều. Sau khi trị liệu về nhà cảm thấy khoẻ hẳn không còn đau nữa. Trong quá trình giảm đau, ngoài đi máy ngoài lượng nhiệt làm ấm cơ còn được KTV massage nhẹ bằng tay nên có lực và thoải mái hơn.
Before treatment, my thighs had muscle soreness due to standing a lot. After the treatment, I went home feeling completely healthy and no longer in pain. During the pain relief process, in addition to using the machine, in addition to the heat to warm the muscles, the technician also gently massages by hand, making it more powerful and comfortable."

Ms Nha, 28

"Cân nặng giảm gần 2kg: 67kg -> 65.5 kg, Máu không còn nhiễm mỡ   nữa. Bạn Emma dễ thương, nhiệt tình, kèm ngoài giờ ăn uống rất kỹ, động viên tập trong lúc tập nhưng không quá ép, giãn cơ rất phê 😛"
Weight lost nearly 2kg: 67kg -> 65.5kg
My Hyperlipidemia condition is controlled
Emma is cute, enthusiastic, and she is carefully guides me about nutrition besides training times. She encourages me to exercise alot, her sessions are not too rough, and she is very good at sport stretching 😛

Mr Han, 15

“ Good personal training and a good friend as well. I cannot tell much abt the result cause i didnt have enough time to train, but i think my muscles have grown somehow. Great experience”

All You Need To
Live Lively & Confidently.

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